By Andrew Rapopso

Pietri-Kim-300x227There is one very important aspect in your Judo training that you are not doing and it is taking you away from your true potential. Judo requires a tremendous amount of core strength. Training your abs in a traditional fashion, where you perform hundreds of crunches or other ab exercises won’t do anything for your performance. As a matter of fact, you can even be at risk of injury.

Judo requires explosive movements done as fast and as efficient as possible. Having a weak core will have a big negative impact on your game.

The thing is, you don’t get a strong core by performing ab exercises in the higher rep range. We need to treat our abdominals like any other muscle group. We’re going to focus on the lower rep ranges when it comes to core training, which will have a much better carry over to your performance.

Here’s the best part. You can actually train your abdominals for STRENGTH with just your own bodyweight. If you thought you the weight room was your only resource for getting stronger, I’m about to prove you wrong.

I’m going to show you a workout that you can literally do at home in your living room that will work your abs harder than anything you’ve done in the past.

Try this circuit at the end of your technical session or even on an off day and watch your performance start to skyrocket. You will definitely have the upper hand against your competition. I can guarantee you that your competition is not doing this.

A great side effect to this type of ab training is that it will have a huge effect on developing a rock hard six-pack. Training your abs in this fashion is proven to do more for getting ripped abs than the traditional higher rep range exercises.

So without further delay, here is your ab-training circuit.

The Fighter Abs Core Circuit

Box Plank – 10 Reps Each Side

Long Plank Walkouts – 5 Reps

Long Plank Armpit Touches – 10 Reps Each Side

Rest 60 Sec

*Repeat for a total of 3-5 rounds.

If it’s your first time doing this circuit, start with 3 rounds and work your way up to 5.


Now you’re probably wondering what these exercises look like. Check out the descriptions of each exercise below.Â

Box Plank

  • Start in a quadruped position. Knees underneath the hips and hands underneath the shoulders.
  • Brace your abs and get your knees off the ground.
  • Keep the abs braced and without moving the hips, get one hand off the ground.
  • Repeat with the other hand.

Box Plank

Long Plank Walkouts

  • Get into the top of a push up position.
  • Walk your hands forward until they are above your head while keeping your abs braced.
  • Walk your hands back into the top of a push up position.
  • Prevent the hips from swaying side to side when performing the movement.Long Plank Walkouts

Long Plank With Armpit TouchÂ

  • Get into the top of a push up position.
  • Walk your hands forward until they are above your head.
  • Keeping the abs braced, touch the opposite armpit.
  • Repeat the movement, alternating sides for the prescribed reps/time.
  • Prevent the hips from swaying side to side when performing the movement.

 Long Plank With Armpit Touch


There you have it, a core routine that will take your Judo performance to a whole new level and have you taking tossing people like it’s nothing. Not only that, but you will now have Six-Pack Abs that look the part.


If you would like more workouts like this, check outÂ for done for you videos and a complete step-by-step guide in getting you a Strong Core and Six-Pack Abs with just your own bodyweight.




Matt D'Aquino is a Judo Olympian, 5th degree Judo black belt, 1st degree bjj black belt and known worldwide for his online Judo content.