thruster3Now I’m not going to beat around the bush. I know I created this product but I know that doing these workouts will make you a stronger grappler. This is due to the fact that kettlebells target and strengthen your ENTIRE body.

I have seen it time and time asin. I write a kettlebell program for a Judo or BJJ practitioner and within a week or so I receive an email from them telling me how strong they feel, how they can grapple longer and how they feel better than they have in ages.

Kettlebell training works…that’s why I wrote this program for you. I want you to be in the best shape of your life. To grappler longer, harder and faster!

 Here are 8 reasons why you need to buy Kettlebells for Grapplers.

1. Increase Overall Strength –Â

Grappling is hard…and every grappler needs full body strength. When you are grappling you are using every single muscle in the body and the great thing with kettlebells is that they strengthen your ENTIRE body. Movements such as the kettlebell swing and turkish get up target every muscle – making you functionally strong for grappling.

2. Insane Cardio/Conditioning

When you are out of shape, unfit and untrained you will suffer both physically and mentally in training and in competition. The great things is that kettlebell training will make your heart rate skyrocket resulting in you getting fit in a short amount of time!

Movements such as the kettlebell swing and snatch will push your cardio to the limit and get you in the best shape of your life!

3. Hip driveÂ

Kettlebell trainers pride themselves on having amazing hip power and explosiveness. Hip power if vital for hip throws in Judo as well as escaping side control and sprawling while defending a double leg. In every program of Kettlebells for Grapplers you will be performing a number of kettlebell swings which will develop a huge amount of hip power than will greatly assist your grappling game.

4. Overall Explosiveness

Everyone has rolled that guy at training who is super explosive and cuts through your guard with ease. Due to the ballistic nature of kettlebells you will automatically develop explosive power. Movements such as swings, snatches, cleans and presses all assist in developing explosiveness which in turn will help you throw more people, shoot harder for double legs and easily pass your opponents guard.

 ==>>Get started today for only $37

tgu25. Grip Strength

Grip strength is needed to finish those gi chokes that aren’t quite on as well as breaking your opponents grip in Judo and BJJ. Gripping the kettlebell handle for more than five minutes will have your forearms screaming for you to stop. This in turn will quickly develop your grip strength and overall endurance.

6. Functional Strength

Have you ever wrestled someone who can barely bench press 60lbs but when you have wrestled them they are as strong as an Ox? That’s functional strength and functional strength is being strong when it matters most. I can tell you right now I would rather be as strong as an ox on the mat and weak in the gym then being strong in the gym and weak on the mat. Kettlebell training helps you get functionally strong which will instantly benefit your grappling game.

7. Core Strength

I am sure you have heard many times that everything you do stems form the core region and that its also true for fighters. Those athletes with weak a core will get expose very quickly and will fall behind in training and overall improvement.  Kettlebell training puts a high demand on the core region, which will help you strengthen this region. Abdominal rotational and anti-rotational strength is important for striking, grappling and in throwing sports like Judo.

8. Joint mobility and stability

Due to the range of movement you go through when using kettlebells your joints are going to get a lot stronger and more stable. This is great news for grapplers (especially submission grapplers) because when your joints are constantly under pressure you are more susceptible to injury. Having strong and stable muscles is a great way to avoid injury and be able to fight and train to the best of your ability.

Download your copy of Kettlebells for Grapplers today and get started with strengthening every muscle in your body


Who is this package for?

I created this 12-week kettlebell program for people who wants to use Kettlebells to get fit AND strong for Brazilian Jiujitsu, Judo and wrestling. As a strength and conditioning coach and grappler myself I have written literally hundreds of strength and conditioning programs for grapplers who want to get fit, fast and strong – and kettlebells are a great way to achieve this.

Kettlebells for Grapplers is written for beginner and intermediate level grapplers who have never used kettlebells before. The program contains beginner, intermediate and advanced modules that build on each other. The beginner program is designed to get you to understand how the kettlebell swings, while the intermediate and advanced programs will push you mentally and physically.

Download the whole package for only $37





Matt D'Aquino is a Judo Olympian, 5th degree Judo black belt, 1st degree bjj black belt and known worldwide for his online Judo content.