Home made wrist roller

Wrist rollers are a fantastic bit of equipment that are so beneficial  for all Judo players. Performing the wrist roller every few days can really build up your forearm muscles and will really assist in decreasing the onset of lactic acid in the muscles Today I thought i would show you how to make a

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Tapering for a Comp

You must taper for a judo competition if you want to perform to the best of your ability. There are a few keys aspects to tapering, these include: – choosing a competition – dieting – judo training – physical training – mental preparation Choosing a competition Choosing a competition is crucial if you want to

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Fitness for Judo

I have been competing internationally for eleven years now and I have seen so many Judo players lose matches purely because their fitness and conditioning wasn’t up to scratch. People tend to forget that when you are too tired to stand up it doesn’t matter how good your technique is, you are still probably going

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