Today I wanted to share with you something that happened at the last Judo competition I went in. There is a guy where I am from who is a very very good Judoka. He came to Australia about 10 years ago and was a top level player in Vietnam. We have trained with each other heaps of times over the years because we are the same age, height and weight division. At the last competition I competed in both he and I were in the same division and I was super nervous to fight him because he is such a great judoka. He has amazing left and right seoi, left and right kouchi, left and right drop kata guruma (uki waza) and is super agile. If you leave your two hands on him for too long and he will throw you for sure! At this particular comp I had about 80 people competing from my club so I was there early helping coach the kids and teens. While I was in the middle of coaching the tournament organisers started calling for the adults to warm up, way before they were scheduled to compete !!I quickly got my gi on and began warming up between coaching all of my students. Soon the adults were rostered on to fight but my Vietnamese friend had not yet arrived. About 4 minutes before we were walked on the mat my friend arrived and donned his judogi as fast as I had seen any human – he was like the flash. A few moments we were on the mat fighting in front of everyone. I dominated the grips from start to finish and threw him with a smooth soto makkikomi for a waza ari followed by a quick sumi gaeshi for waza ari as well to win the match. I then went on to win my next two matches, one with a juji gatame from guard and the other with a kosoto gake. Some of my friends and teammates congratulated me on a smooth win but I know that my win that day only came down to one thing…and that’s preparation. I was at the tournament ALL day and so I was comfortable in my surroundings. I knew where the mats where, where the warm up area was and what the refs were looking for AND not looking for etc etc. To put it simply, I won purely because I was better prepared on the day then my mate. And this is why I made my Competition Preparation Masterclass. I made it to help people like you be the best prepared for competition so you can beat good Judo players in competition. You see competition is a skill in itself, and it is a skill you can improve on when you understand how it works. I cover a ton of content including:

  • How to taper correctly for competition
  • How to diet and cut weight properly
  • The dangers of saunaing and how to avoid it at all costs
  • A checklist of what you need to pack each and every tournament (no matter how big or small)
  • How to rehydrate after weigh in
  • How to develop a game plan vs every opponent
  • The best ways to scout your opponents for an easy game plan
  • How to deal with negative thoughts and crazy nerves
  • and lots more


Matt D'Aquino is a Judo Olympian, 5th degree Judo black belt, 1st degree bjj black belt and known worldwide for his online Judo content.