If you have done Judo for more than 5 minutes you would have noticed that being physically stronger than your opponent is a massive advantage. Being able to power into and out of throws, as well
as having a strong grip really upsets your opponents and immediately gives you the upper hand. Combine your strength with good technique and you will become a seriously tough opponent.

If you are looking at participating regularly in randori or shiai, then it is vital that you have a high-level of Judo specific strength, power, speed and

When you start Strength Training for Judo, you will develop:

  • Awesome upper body strength and power
  • Lower body, strength and power
  • Joint stability
  • Massive hip power and drive
  • Full-body speed, agility and quickness
  • Unbreakable grip strength
  • Foot and hand speed
  • Greater sense of balance and co-ordination
  • Strong rotational core strength
  • Mental toughness

If you order today you will get a special bonus edition of Strength Training For Judo including information regarding:

  • Importance of recovery including nutrition, cryotherapy, compression and stretching
  • 10 Myofascial release stretches
  • Injury prevention exercises for your fingers, shoulders and ankles
  • BONUS Gym program template
  • BONUS Instructions on making your own foam roller

===>For more info and to find out why your gym program could be restricting your Judo game then
visit www.judostrength.com<===


Matt D'Aquino is a Judo Olympian, 5th degree Judo black belt, 1st degree bjj black belt and known worldwide for his online Judo content.