Here is my favorite left vs right Morote seoi nage attack when I am fighting someone and it’s kenka yotsu (which is Japanese for left vs right). The key is to square up your opponent with a hard ashiwaza before doing a massive pull to get them off-balance.
Don’t forget to check out my other Seoinage videos below:
This video is a super in-depth version i did at request of someone on my newsletter. It goes on for a while but I do cover a lot of concepts sometimes missed when your coach only demos a technique for a few minutes.
Here is one of my most shared videos on YouTube. 10 way to throw with ippon seoi nage. This video has featured on all the popular mma, bjj and judo websites all over the globe. Thanks to Mark for letting me throw you 10 times 🙂
Breakdown by Olympic Ivo dos Santos:
Here is an eri seoi nage setup that I really like when I am trying to block my opponent power hand – which is crucial in competition Judo: Just watch out you don’t get penalised for the cross grip.
Here are other Seoi nage videos I have featured on my Channel:
Apologies for the opposite colour gi in this video. I was young and silly 🙂
Here are a few Seoi nage competition breakdowns I did last year. Travis’s is my favourite: